Job Applicants / New Teacher FAQs

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Before the Interview / After First Email

Documentation Needed for Interview?

The interview will just be a causal conversation with the Managing Director of MLA. No documentation or preparation is needed for the interview. All that is required is that you submit your audition video before your interview to the form here:

When is the audition due?

Please submit your audition video before your scheduled interview time 🙂

Don't Have an Instrument / Can't Make an Audition Video

For Piano/Classical Instruments

We are happy to accept an older performance video as your audition. If that is not possible, we can also accept your music exam certificate in place of an audition video. Please submit your audition/certificate to this link:


For Guitar/Rock Instruments

We are happy to accept an older performance video as your audition. Please submit your audition video to this link:

Where is your music school? / Can Students Come To Me?

All our lessons are held either in our students’ homes or online. You’ll be able to set your own boundaries to how far you wish to travel to lessons, and you’ll also receive a travel reimbursement on top of your hourly pay.

Not Available at Interview Times


  1. Tag “Kayla” on the ticket
  2. Submit as Open
  3. Kayla will send them an email with new interview times available and will send you back the email.

After Contract is Sent

Is an electronic signature on the contract fine?

Yes we can accept an electronic signature on your contract.

I don't have an WWCC / ABN. Can I still do the New Teacher Roadmap?

Feel free to continue through the New Teacher Roadmap and update us on your WWCC / ABN once you’ve received it!

WWCC - Do I apply for Paid Employee or Volunteer?

You will need to apply for a paid employee WWCC. 

Feel free to use our company details if needed:

Music Lessons Australia

Manager: Kayla Caruso

Phone: 1300 065 228


Do I have to finish Teacher Training Course before my lessons?

We require teachers to complete the teacher training course before they receive any new students. The training course shouldn’t take more than a few hours to complete.

What time of year do lessons run / Can I go on holiday at the end of the year?

Our lessons run in line with the school terms & holiday breaks. 

We can easily find a substitute teacher to take on any lessons you are not available for.

Most Popular Lesson Times

Our most popular lesson times are Weeknights between 3:30pm – 8:30pm. Weekend lessons between 9am – 8pm are also a possibility.


Please submit your contract to this link: